Government We affirm our loyalty to the Constitution of
the United States and express our confidence in that document as the basic
law of the land. We will resist all attempts to violate it, whether by
legislation, by means of evasion, or through judicial interpretation.
We support our system of representative government with its plan of checks
and balances. We support appropriate Constitutional changes to restrict
the ever-expanding power of the federal judiciary as a non-elected legislative
branch. Communism
- Totalitarianism Communism is aggressively and unalterably opposed
to our Constitutional government and seeks to infiltrate and overthrow
our present form of government, by violence if necessary. We oppose Communism
both as an economic program and as a governmental system. Governmental
Economy and Taxation We believe that unwise fiscal policies of our
government are the chief cause of the serious economic plight in which
our nation finds itself.
Affairs We favor a foreign policy whose objectives
are the preservation of American freedom and the encouragement of those
governments and nations which grant a large measure of freedom to their
citizens. A
Free Economy We oppose burdensome restraints on our free
enterprise system, detailed regulations of our economic life and federal
interference with individual initiative. We believe that free enterprise
is threatened by: (1) Excessive governmental regulation, (2) Growth of
public or private monopoly and (3) Unethical practices of unscrupulous
groups. Labor
and Industry Both management and labor must be held responsible
for their economic behavior. Neither can be permitted to dominate at the
expense of the other or of the common good. Anti-trust laws must be applied
to all monopolies, whether of business or of labor. We will enforce stringently
the laws forbidding strikes by federal government employees. States
Rights Our Founding Fathers recognized the importance
of both individual and states rights, and determined to preserve them
by making the bill of rights an integral part of our Constitution. Individual
Rights All American citizens, regardless of race,
sex, religion or national origin are entitled to equality of treatment
under the provisions of our Constitution and under the laws of our land.
We oppose the use of violence, anarchistic or arbitrary pressure tactics
as a means of seeking to resolve tensions and divergencies of opinion
among our citizens. Public
Morality We deplore the low level of public morality
culminating in the shocking revelations of crime and of political and
economic corruption which have characterized recent years. Right-to-Life The God-given right to life should not be arbitrarily
denied by governmental action. The massive destruction of unborn infants
by some state abortion-on-demand laws is morally indefensible. We support
a Constitutional Amendment to protect the unborn by prohibiting abortion
except in those very rare cases where the life of the mother is seriously
endangered. Military
Preparedness Believing that eternal vigilance is the price
of liberty we declare for a sound program of military preparedness. While
praying for peace we cannot place our freedom in peril by ignoring potential
threats to our nation. We will work hard to protect the taxpayer by eliminating
the unnecessary waste and duplication in military programs. National
Sovereignty We declare our belief in national sovereignty
and oppose surrender of this sovereignty to any international organization. Welfare The Prohibition Party has always pioneered
in social reform. We favor the rendering of help to the handicapped, the
aged, the chronically ill and those families without a breadwinner. Marriage
and Divorce Ordained of God, the home is a sacred institution
which must be protected and preserved. We favor the enactment of uniform
marriage and divorce laws by the several states as an aid to building
strong and enduring homes. Church
and State We support the Constitutional Principle of
Separation of Church and State and oppose any attempt to weaken or subvert
this fundamental principle. We support tax exemption for non-profit religious
institutions including church publishing houses but we favor full taxation
of all income received by religious organizations from operations which
compete with private tax-paying businesses. We oppose the appropriation
of any public money for private religious or sectarian purposes. Religious
Liberty We believe in the freedom of the individual
to worship, to fellowship with others of similar faith, to evangelize,
to educate and to establish religious institutions as his conscience dictates.
We oppose efforts to restrict freedom of religious broadcasting and the
establishment of new churches. The Internal Revenue Service must be prohibited
from using its power to control tax exemption to discriminate against
any religious body as it has done in the past. Our government should oppose
religious persecution anywhere in the world and refuse to extend any aid
to nations which practice such persecution. Ballot
Law Reform In most states Republicans and Democrats have
enacted election laws designed to either prevent other political parties
from gaining access to the ballot or require them to spend all their meagre
resources to do so. They fear competition which will give voters an alternative
to their bankrupt policies. Education Under the Tenth Amendment, public education
is clearly to be under the control of the states and the people. We therefore
oppose all direct federal aid to education and to federal interference
in education matters, whether such interference comes from the executive,
legislative or judicial branches of the federal government. Each state
should support and control its own educational program. Social
Security We endorse the principle of an actuarially
sound Social Security program. The present system is NOT actuarially sound
and is destructive of individual initiative and freedom. We propose to
reform the system by:
and Environment The
production and distribution of agricultural products is of vital importance
to our economy. Those engaged in agricultural pursuits, like other American
citizens, should be free from authoritarian control and coercion. Likewise,
consumers should not be subjected to artificially contrived higher food
prices. We therefore propose a sane and sensible return to free market
program with the elimination of all governmental controls and subsidies. Public
Health We favor the continuance of the legal bans
against such harmful drugs as marijuana, LSD and heroin. Since tobacco
has been identified as the prime cause of lung cancer and many other health
problems we oppose promotional advertizing and government subsidies for
tobacco products. The
Alcohol Problem Beverage alcohol is today the chief cause of
poverty, broken homes, juvenile delinquency, vice, crime, political corruption,
wasted manpower, and highway accidents. By conservative estimates more
than 20,000,000 Americans are now alcoholics or problem drinkers. Challenge Voters who are concerned about the wide-spread
corruption and erosion of our freedoms accompanied by a new low level
of morality in government will NOT see a solution to those problems if
they continue to give their support to the two parties which generated
those problems. The Prohibition Party, with a clean record of over one-hundred
years of service to America, invites the support of all who believe in
the foregoing program of good government. |