1972 Prohibition Party Platform


We, the representatives of the Prohibition Party, assembled in National Convention at Wichita, Kansas, June 24 and 25, 1971, recognizing Almighty God as the source of all just government, and with faith in the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, do solemnly promise that, if our party is chosen to administer the affairs of the nation, we will, with earnest dedication to the principles of righteousness, seek to serve the needs and to preserve the rights, the prerogatives, and the basic freedoms of the people of the United States of America. For the realization of these ends we propose the following program of government:

Constitutional Government

We affirm our sincere loyalty to the Constitution of the United States, and express our deep confidence in that document as the basic law of the land. We will resist all attempts to violate it, whether by legislation, by means of evasion, or through judicial interpretation. We believe in the Declaration of Independence and in the Preamble and Bill of Rights of our Constitution. We declare ourselves in hearty support of our system of representative government, with its plan of checks and balances, and express our firm intent to serve the people of our nation with a constructive, forward looking program of good government, dedicated to the general welfare.

Communism - Totalitarianism

Recognizing that Communism is aggressively and unalterably opposed to our Constitutional government, we declare our opposition to it both as a way of life and as a governmental system.  We believe that the program of Communism, with its intent to infiltrate and to overthrow our present form of government, must be pitilessly exposed. We challenge all loyal citizens to become fully aware of this menace to civilization, to exert every effort to defeat the Marxist program and to help preserve our American way of life.   We also declare ourselves opposed to any other form of totalitarian philosophy or form of government. We endorse the efforts of those agencies which have been honestly and earnestly exposing subversive activities and groups.

Governmental Economy and Taxation

We view with alarm the extravagance and wasteful spending which have invaded government at all levels, demanding an ever increasing tax load upon our people. The constant increase in taxation, requiring approximately one third of the total income of our citizens to pay the expenses of government, is approaching the point of confiscation, leading to economic chaos. We believe that good government does not attempt to do for the people what they can do for themselves. With proper economy, governmental costs can be lowered, the tax load lightened, and the public debt can be reduced. We promise to devote ourselves to such an end, even though it involves either the reorganization or abolition of certain departments, bureaus, and vested interests.

The Federal Budget

Good government and a sound economy require a balanced budget. The inflationary effects and the disturbing influences of unbalanced budgets must be eliminated. We cannot, with impunity, continue to increase the mortgage on our future and the interest load of the present. As the level of taxation is already excessive, there must be either a decided reduction in govermental services and federal spending or a substantial improvement in efficiency, with consequent elimination of waste in both personnel and materials. Actually, both areas need careful exploration with a view not only to maintaining a balanced budget but also to reduction of the national debt.

Money and Finance

A sound fiscal program and dependable monetary policy are fundamental to a stable economy. Our Constitution gives to Congress the power to 'coin money' and to 'regulate the value thereof.' We believe that Congress, working with the executive branch of government, should take immediate steps to establish a financial program that will block inflationary trends, insure a sound currency, stablize price levels, and provide for systematic retirement of the national debt. We urge that careful consideration be given to a constructive program of monetary policy involving a favorable balance of payments in international exchange, believing that such a step would help stabilize our economy, would promote confidence in our monetary system and would underwrite a continuing program of sound finance and expanding industrial progress.

The Income Tax

A federal income tax was first proposed by the Prohibition Party in 1896. However, the graduated tax and confiscatory rates of the present day were not contemplated. We question the exemption from taxation of certain types of bonds issued by government bodies. We seriously doubt the wisdom of the present system of taxation and demand a thorough review of the basic fiscal policies of our government.

Revenue Sharing

Recognizing that local and state governments are having real difficulty in meeting their basic financial needs, we advocate a division of the revenue received from the federal income tax, with appropriate amounts of the tax collected in each state being distributed to each of the state governnments before becoming the property of the federal government.


For a period of years our people have been confronted with the problem of increasing prices and lowered purchasing power. There is both a need and a desire for appropriate stability in this area. We propose that immediate steps be developed to stablize wages and prices, to secure more efficient production, and to maintain a proper relationship between the rates of growth and of our monetary supply and of the gross national product.

Environmental Awareness

An awareness of the various problems related to the area of ecology is essential. We believe that all men have a right to a wholesome envionment. Accordingly, government must establish standards and enforce a program which will insure a satisfactory stewardship of land, water and air throughout the nation. In particular, we insist on the right of everyone to a pure water supply and to an unpolluted atmosphere. We urge increased emphasis on tertiary treatment of sewage, on the development of fission-type reactors and, as soon as technologically feasible, atomic fusion as a substitute for fossil fuels in electric power generation, and on the substitution of relatively non-polluting sources of power in motor vehicles.

Foreign Affairs

It has been charged that our government lacks a consistent, positive foreign policy. This is an area which involve both complex and baffling problems. There are no easy solutions.

  We pledge ourselves to search for peaceful solutions to the problems of international relations and to deal with conflicts among nations by seeking to react creatively and constructively to the underlying causes of international tension and frustration before they explode into hostilities, and to strive for world peace and order based upon the teachings of the Prince of Peace.

  We insist that no foreign government has an inherent right to financial aid at the expense of American taxpayers. In fact such aid does not usually purchase friendship. Often it seems to generate exactly the opposite. In order to maintain our national solvency and to susten our ability to meet genuine need, great caution is essential. Most aid should be in the form of repayable loans which will enable the beneficiaries to maintain their dignity and self respect. Direct aid should be limited to disaster relief and to under-developed countries of good will. It must be honestly used for internal development and must be denied to corrupt governments and to aggressive nations.

A Free Economy

We are strongly opposed to burdensome restraints on our free enterprise system, to detailed regulation of our economic life and to federal interference with individual initiative. We believe that free enterprise is threatened in three ways: (1) by excessive governmental regulation, (2) by growth of public or private monopoly, and (3) by unethical practices of unscrupulous groups.

   It will be the policy of our administration to encourage independent, non-mopolistic business enterprises which serve genuine consumer needs and are operated with a sense of responsibility to the public. We will take necessary steps to prevent the evils both of monopoly and of excessive regulation by government, and to protect adequately the consuming public from irresponsible or deceptive practices contrary to the general welfare.

  We propose that our government withdraw, with reasonable promptness, from the fields of business activity and sell to private industry, at proper investment prices, those business enterprises now owned and operated by the federal government.

Labor and Industry

In the area of labor and industrial relations we believe that the public welfare must be given paramount consideration. Both management and labor must be held responsible for their economic and their social behavior. Neither should be permitted to dominate at the expense of the other or of the common good. Rather, the antitrust laws must be applied equally to all monopolies, whether or business or of labor. Whenever the public welfare is seriously endangered because of disputes affecting quasi-public businesses and utilities we favor the compulsory arbitration of labor-managment disputes, particularly in the area of public transportation. We would, in contrast to preceding administrations, enforce stringently the laws forbidding strikes by federal governmment employees.

Employer-Employee Rights

Every individual has certain basic and fundamental rights. A person's right to join or not to join a labor union without affecting his employment and his right to work for an employer willing to hire him must be protected. Likewise, employees and employers must be free to bargain and to contract as they wish. Violence or coercion, either on the part of management or of labor, should be prohibited.

States Rights

Our founding fathers recognized the importance of both individual and states rights, and determined to preserve them by making the Bill of Rights an integral part of our Constitution. During recent years there has been an increasing tendency toward an undesirable concentration of power and authority in the federal government.

  To deal with overcentralization we urge more vigorous action by the state and local governments for the protection of the rights and the promotion of the welfare of their people, greater resort to the solution of local community problems through the voluntary action of existing or new civic and other non-governmental associations, where this is feasible, and the increasing pursuit by private business concerns of policies which promote the public interest.

  We pledge ourselves to action that will preserve all legitimate rights and will maintain among the several states their constitutional place in our system of government.

Human Rights

All American citizens, regardless of race, sex, religion, or national origin are entitled to equality of treatment under the provisions of our constitutions (sic) and under the laws of our land. No person or group of persons should be subjected to ostracism, humiliation, or embarassment because of color or national background. We deplore the use of violent, anarchistic, or arbitrary pressure tacics, from whatever source, as a means of seeking to resolve tensions and divergences of opinion among our citizens.

  We are opposed to those proposals which would destroy our neighborhood school systems through a program of artificial integration or convey special privileges to any minority group.

Public Morality

Moral and spiritual considerations must be primary factors in determining both state and national policies. We deplore the gross neglect of such matters by the dominant political parties, culminating in the shocking revelations of crime and of political and economic corruption which have characterized recent years. We charge these parties with basic responsibility for the rapid decline in moral standards which followed the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. We believe that the program of nullification of law through non-enforcement which led to repeal contributed greatly to the disintegration of public morals, to a general deterioration of standards, and to a lowering of values among our people.

  We pledge ourselves to break the unholy alliance which has made these things possible. We propose to strengthen and to enforce laws against gambling, narcotics, and commercialized vice, to emphasize the basic importance of spiritual and moral values to the development and growth of an enduring nation, and to maintain the integrity of our democracy by careful enforcement of law and loyal support for our Constitution.

  It is our judgement that the emphasis in certain quarters upon civil disobedience represents a most unfortunate and a most distressing development of our era.

National Preparedness

Believing that 'eternal vigilance is the price of liberty' we declare for a sound program of national military preparedness. While praying for peace we cannot place our freedom in peril by ignoring potential threats to our nation.

  However, we belive that the present program of compulsory peacetime military training does not represent a genuine safeguard to world peace. We, rather, believe it is to be (sic) contrary, in principle, to our American way of life. This system places an unnecessary burden upon our peacetime economy, threatens us with possible military dictatorship, and often permits and promotes the moral and spiritual deterioration of our youth.

  We urge that our peacetime defense be entrusted to professionally trained volunteers.

National Sovereignty

We declare our belief in national sovereignty and oppose surrender of this sovereignty to any international group.

Civil Service

The Prohibition Party first sponsored our civil service systen. On the other hand, the dominant political parties are positively commited to the 'spoils' system and, when in office, have prostituted governmental power to serve their own selfish party interests instead of the whole people. This has led to excessive expenditures, higher taxes and, in some situations, to an unfortunate alliance of crime with politics. We pledge ourselves to an honest, efficient, and economical administration. Veteran preference in civil service must be limited as to time, and favoritism toward certain institutions in government appointments must be curbed.

Time Standardization

We take exception to the twice yearly changes of our time. We believe that these changes add to our lives unnecessary confusion and avoidable frustration and are costly and unjust to those who need standardized time. We advocate the stabilization of our timekeeping by establishing Daylight Savings Time year round.

The News Media

We believe in the importance of freedom of the press and of other news media. There must be no supression of this freedom when properly exercized. On the other hand, we deplore the role of the media in sensationalizing a growing moral permissiveness. We believe that this creates the impression that the media are acting as approving and applauding onlookers. We deplore the decline of investigative reporting, and demand that the media once again become responsible informants of the public.


The present welfare programs of our state and national governments are a disgraceful shambles. As presently administered in many areas the chief outcome is to create a dependent economic and social sub-stratum. All too many welfare officials and employees seem determined to help increase the number on our welfare rolls at a rate many times that of our general population increase.

  The Prohibition Party, which has always pioneered in social reform, insists that the handicapped, the aged, the chronically ill and those families without a breadwinner or one who is capable of working should be helped. The tragedy is that many who are truly deserving today are receiving insufficient aid. A large proportion of our welfare dollars is being siphoned off by those who are capable of working.

  If the mushrooming welfare costs are not reduced and those undeserving of assistance are not removed from the welfare rolls, a taxpayers' revolt may one day kill the entire welfare program. The Prohibition Party believes that a complete overhaul of our welfare system is needed.

  We specifically reject the concept of a guaranteed annual income. Such a concept will accelerate rather than retard the growth of the number of people on welfare rolls and will tend to destroy initiative among those whose earnings would be only slightly above such a guaranteed minimum income.

Religious Liberty

We believe in religious liberty. Freedom of the individual to worship, to fellowship, with others of similar faith, to evangelize, to educate, and to establish religious institutions, must be preserved. When religious liberty is lost, political liberty will perish with it. We deplore ever increasing efforts to restrict freedom of religious broadcasting and the establishment of new churches. We caution the Internal Revenue Service against using the power to control tax exemptions to discriminate against evangelical Christianity.

  We believe, also, that our government should take a firm positive position against religious intolerance and persecution anywhere in the world.

Marriage and Divorce

Ordained of God, the home is a sacred institution. Its sanctity must be protected and preserved. We favor the enactment of uniform marriage and divorce laws in the various states as an aid to building strong and enduring homes throughout our nation.

Social Security

We endorse the general principle of an actuarially sound social security insurance program which includes all employed groups. We question the recent trend toward a welfare emphasis. We condemn the maladministration of its provisions for political ends; we pledge ourselves to correct these evils, particularly, the denial of benefits to persons who have earned them and who are qualified for them, but who choose to continue in productive service.

Ballot Law Reform

True democracy requires that the needs and interests of minority groups be given fair, honest, and appropriate consideration. Instead, in many of our states, ballot laws have been enacted which are designed to make a two party system into a bipartisan political monopoly, keeping minor parties off the ballot. We demand passage of laws which protect independent voters and which guarantee to minority groups access to the ballot and the fundamental right of free political expression.

Church and State

We affirm our continuing loyalty to the constitutional principle of separation of Church and State. We will expose, and resist vigorously, any attempt from whatever source to weaken or subvert this fundamental principle.

  We declare our belief that the Bible is not q sectarian book, but is a volume of universal appeal and application which is woven into our history, our laws, and our culture. We deplore any interpretation which would limit its use in any area of our national life.

  In the area of government, we endorse encouragement of nonprofit educational and religious institutions on a tax exempt basis, but we declare strong opposition to all efforts, direct or indirect, to secure appropriations of public money for private religious or sectarian purposes. We are opposed, however, to tax exemption on income received by religious organizations engaged in competition with commercial business enterprises, except for specific religious services, such as church publishing houses.


It is altogether appropriate that our federal government should be interested in and concerned about matters pertaining to all areas of educational growth and development. However, under the Tenth Amendment, public education is clearly to be under the control of the states. We are opposed to direct federal aid to education, believing that each state should both support and control its own educational program.


The production and distribution of agricultural products is of vital importance to the economy of any people. We believe that those engaged in agricultural pursuits, like other American citizens, should be free from authoritarian control and coercion. Hence we declare ourselves opposed to regimentation of farms and farmers and urge a sensible and orderly return to a free market program.

Public Health

The health of our people is a matter of fundamental importance. We are deeply concerned with this matter in its many aspects. We are disturbed by the increasing use of narcotic and psychedelic drugs. Recognizing that the use of tobacco products constitutes a health hazard, we are opposed to promotional advertizing of such products and to subsidization of tobacco growing. We insist that caution must be taken in dealing with mental health cases, lest there be unjust and prejudiced incarcerations. We deplore those programs of mass medication whch violate the rights of individuals. We pledge enforcement of existing laws regulating these health concerns, the enactment of additional needed legislation, and cooperation with state efforts to deal with the problems.

The Alcohol Problem

Beverage alcohol must today be recognized as the chief cause of poverty, broken homes, juvenile delinquency, vice, crime, political corruption, wasted manpower and highway accidents. By the most conservative estimates, more than 8,000,000 alcoholics and 8,000,000 problem drinkers are currently victims of alcohol.

  No greater mistake has ever been made by the American people and their government than the Repeal of Prohibition. Contrary to the promises made by the advocates of repeal, bootlegging has increased to the point where the liquor industry itself claims that one-third of all alcohol consumed today in America is illicit; drinking among our young people has reached epidemic proportions; liquor taxes pay only a small fraction of the traffic's cost to the taxpayers and the'open saloon' which was to be 'banished forever' is back in a newer form and more numerous than ever.

  The liquor traffic is linked with and supports a nationwide network of gambling, vice and crime. It also dominates both major political parties and, through them, much of the governmental and political life of our nation. As long as the two dominant parties are largely controlled by the liquor traffic, just so long will they be unable to make moral principles prevail.

  The Prohibition Party alone offers a program to deal with this greatest of social ills. We pledge ourselves to a program of publicity, education, legislation and administration, leading to the elimination of (sic) beverage alcohol industry. We will repeal all laws which legalize the liquor traffic and enact and rigorously enforce new laws which prohibit the manufacture, distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages.

  We urge all Americans who favor sobriety and righteousness to join with us in electing an administration pledged to the above program.