The very first edition of the (Altoona) Evening Mirror, 13 June 1874, contained this report on the 1874 Pennsylvania State Convention:
Harrisburg, June 12th -- The convention was called to order at 9 a.m., by the chairman, Col. Geo. F. McFarland, who in a very brief address stated the object of the meeting. Prayer was then offered by Rev. Dr. D. X. Junkin.
Hon. S. B. Chase was elected president, and T. A. Rabe of Allegheny, and D. B. Ream, of Altoona, were chosen Secretaries.
A committee of nine on resolutions was appointed , viz Rev. D. C. Babcock, D. X. Junkin, James Black, John A. Meehan, A. Bestwick, C. Parsons, B. D. Metlaw, W. Hargraves, and D. S. Dartt.
The majority of the committee offered the following resolutions:
Resolved, That regarding the platform of principles of the National Prohibition Party as expressive of a policy which if adopted will be productive of peace and prosperity to the people by removing the evils which have constantly flowed from the traffic in intoxicating drinks, and approving of the principles thus expressed, we deem it prudent that this policy of prohibition shall be placed before the voters of the Commonwealth in the form of nominees for the several State officers to be elected at the coming State election: therefore,
Resolved, that the convention name candidates for the several State offices to filled in November next.
Resolved, That we recommend our friends to cordially sustain those members of the State Legislature who sustained the principles and measures touching the abolition of the traffic in intoxicating drinks who may be placed before the people for re-election, assuring themselves of the continued adherence of such candidates to these principles and measures, and in all other cases be and act in such manner as may best secure the policy of total prohibition.
The minority presented a report recommending that the matter of nominating a State ticket, referred to in the majority report, be stricken out. After considerable discussion the majority report was adopted. Convention then adjourned to meet at two p.m., when it was unanimously resolved to postpone the nomination of a State ticket until August 12th, 1874, for which purpose the following call is issued by the chairman:
Prohibition Party Convention
In accordance with the instructions of the Prohibition Party Convention, here at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, June 12, 1874, at ... o'clock p.m, and respectfully request the Prohibitionists of each Representative District who proposed to support the Prohibition Party, to be present or send delegates at the time above stated, to nominate candidates for Lieutenant Governor, Judge of the Supreme Court, and Auditor General, to be voted for at the next election, and to do such other business as many be desirable to perfect organization and promote the cause of Prohibition.
S. B. Chase, Chairman. Thomas H. Rabe and B. B. Rean, Secretaries