Welecome to

This website, prohibitionists.org, is an educational tool maintained by the Partisan Prohibition Historical Society. The Partisan Prohibition Historical Society (PPHS) was founded in 1971 by friends of the Prohibition Party. The PPHS is independent of, but acts as a repository of historical information about, the political organization called the Prohibition Party and the greater temperance movement. Please see the PPHS page for more information on the society's founding. For 'official' information about the Prohibition Party, please consult the Prohibition National Committee (www.prohibitionparty.org). All expenses of this website are covered by donations to the Partisan Prohibition Historical Society. A detailed financial report can be sent to anyone, on request. In addition to financial support by members of the Society, contributions have been received from these organizations:

  • James Hervey Johnson Charitable Educational Trust
  • Atlantic Seaboard Council, Int. Org. of Good Templars
  • Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee
  • Prohibition Trust Fund (see notes below about the name of this trust)

This website presents information collected from a variety of sources; the PPHS welcomes constructive suggestions for additions and improvements.

Since 1869, we've been promoting social reforms such as honest and economical government, religious freedom, a sound environment, racial equality, women's rights, and clean living. If you're not happy with the way Democrats and Republicans have been running things, try us! This site features the history and accomplishments of the Prohibition Party and its goals for the future.

Email to this site is collected by the editor at info@prohibitionists.org, Replies may be delayed.

The post office address of the Prohibition National Committee is
      4602 21st St #1852 Long Island City, NY 11101
The email address of the Prohibition National Committee is

Current Social Media


trading Post

Readers who would be willing to donate old Prohibition Party publications and other artifacts to a library, a museum, or an independent researcher are invited to list their materials in the "trading Post."  There is no charge for this service.  Please send your name, your address, and a brief description of what you are offering to the Editor, Michael Wood (info@prohibitionists.org) of this website. 
    This is not a buy-and-sell listing, please, and it is not an appraisal service.  If you want to sell something or want an estimate of its value, you should consult one of the political memorabilia dealers who advertizes with the American Political Items Collectors (see: apic.us).

This site is updated Monthly

Bookmark the Prohibition party political and historical web site

Visit us often !!!

This is an educational site sponsored by the Partisan Prohibition Historical Society. It presents information collected from a variety of sources.

For 'official' information about the Prohibition Party, consult the Prohibition National Committee. (www.prohibitionparty. We invite our readers to refer to the web article "Rating System for Evaluating Public History Web Sites," which is available at:  http://www.publichistory.org/reviews/rating_system.html  Prohibitionists.org has not been independently evaluated, to our knowledge, but we invite comparison with the criteria established by the Public History Resource Center.  Suggestions for improvement are welcomed by the Editor.

All expenses of this website are covered by donations to the Partisan Prohibition Historical Society. A detailed financial report will soon be available in the "Members Only" area of the website; hard copies will be sent to anyone, on request. Financial reports also are published in our annual Prohibition History Notes.

In addition to financial support by members of the Society, contributions have been received from these organizations:

  • James Hervey Johnson Charitable Educational trust
  • Atlantic Seaboard Council, Int. Org. of Good Templars
  • Pennsylvania Prohibition Committee
  • Prohibition trust Fund

Prohibition Party organization

The Prohibition Party includes: The Prohibition National Committee, The Partisan Prohibition Historical Society, the Action! Prohibitionists caucus, and state and local affiliates.

Partisan Prohibition Historical Society
     The PPHS is described above and on the Chapters Page

Prohibition National Committee
     The PNC is described on the Background Page.   Financial data on the PNC can also be obtained by writing: Prohibition National Committee, 4602 21st St #1852 Long Island City, NY 11101.

Action! Prohibitionists caucus
     The Action! Prohibitionists caucus is an informal grouping of individuals who energetically seek to promote the candidates and platform of the Prohibition Party. There are no dues, no rules, and no elections. You become an Action! Prohibitionist by being an Action! Prohibitionist.

Other units
     For information about state and local Prohibition Party organizations, please refer to the Chapters Page of this website.

Be a candidate? Why not!

     The Action! Prohibitionists caucus will assist any sincere individual who generally supports the Prohibition Party platform and who would be comfortable identifying himself to the voters as a Prohibitionist. Elections this year will fill many offices in your own community. Small political parties rarely elect presidents, but they do elect local officials. The door is open, and opportunity beckons. For the sake of America, get involved!

NOTICE:  Incompatibility with hand-held devices is a frequent problem with "older" websites.  
Prohibitionists.org went on-line in 1999 and, as was customary back then, it was designed for desk-top computers with large monitors.  Prohibitionists.org by now contains thousands of pages of data.  It is a largely volunteer effort, and we don't have the resources to rebuild it to be 100% compatible with the latest equipment.
     Basic Prohibition Party information, in a format compatible with contemporary (2022) hand-held devices, is available at https://prohibition.carrd.co/

To view a table of contents of the entire site, click here.


"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Then said I, Here am I, send me." Isaiah 6:8 (KJV)

Just because it is not given us to complete a task does not mean we are
freed from undertaking it. ... Jewish principle

This well-known and often used image was drawn by Archibald Willard for
the American Centennial in 1876.  He titled it "Yankee Doodle."


Click here to visit Prohibitionist Party website.