Prohibition Party Platform
After three and a half years of Republican
administration, and three and a half
years of Democratic administration since the depression, we find our gravest
problems unsolved, the morals of the people greatly undermined and the
morals broken down to an incredible extent.
It is plain that the crass materialism of our
dominant parties; their abandonment
of moral precepts; their flouting of the majesty of the law; their double
dealing; their supreme self interest must be replaced by a return to the
American principles of dependence upon Almighty God as the source of all
government and to a following of the principles of the Prince of Peace.
The conclusion is inevitable that the prosperity
and progress of the nation can
come only through the spiritual and moral regeneration of the people manifested
in government.
We denounce the bipartisan conspiracy by which
the Eighteenth Amendment was removed
from the Constitution and the nation reopened to the exploitation of the
people by a legalized liquor traffic.
Respect for this great moral provision of our
Constitution had been weakened by
the maladministration to which it was subjected by the two old parties.
Both parties
are organically incapable of effective enforcement by reason of the two-sided
`wet-dry' character of each party and their dominmant leadership.
Eighty years' history of non-partisan prohibition
in three great prohibition waves
has demonstrated that the great obstacles to the maintenance and effectiveness
of prohibition has been the lack of a united party behind it.
We seek to unite the opponents of the liquor
traffic and then marshal all the powers
of government for the complete suppression of that traffic.
We present a sane, liberal and comprehensive
program on the great problems of our
We pledge ourselves to use every possible means
to promote world peace and the
settlement of international misunderstandings by arbitration.
Must be reduced. Unnecessary governmental functions
must be curtailed and the multitude
of political jobs abolished. Taxes should be levied in accordance with
ability to pay.
Assessments should be uniform and without favor.
There should be no tax exemptions.
We seek to diminish crime, first by suppressing
the traffic in alcoholics and other
narcotics, which pervert the brains of the people; second, by bringing
a re-alignment of politics which shall unite the anti-crime voters and
the alliance of the underworld with the political machines; third, by
enforcement of the law, and fourth, by the reform and modernization of
antiquated and outmoded system of judicial procedure.
Age Pensions
Our party was the first party to declare for
old age pensions. We acknowledge the
responsibility of government to adequately care for those handicapped
by advanced
age or other disabilities.
We must
continue to accept responsibility for taking care of the unemployed until
such time as industry is able to re-employ them.
We seek a better distribution of economic goods
so that the increased consumption
of the products of factory and farm may produce complete employment of
labor without interruption.
The privately owned Federal Reserve Banks should
no longer have the special privilege
of issuing the currency of the United States and of profiting financially
thereby. Congress should resume the exercise of its constitutional right
to coin money and fix the value thereof.
We favor a sound legal tender currency, issued
directly by the United States government
to the people, through the several States and subdivisions thereof, in
exchange for an equal amount of legally issued bonds of such States and
the funds thus obtained to be used partially for the construction of
necessary public works, but chiefly in retiring present tax exempt bonds,
as soon
as the same shall become due and callable. To prevent undue expansion
of bank
credit based on such increased emission of currency, we favor a proportionate
increase in the cash reserve requirements behind such credit. No further
tax exempt securities whatever should be issued, and all those now outstanding
whether Federal, State or local, should be retired and cancelled as soon
as practicable.
Thus we would substitute for the present irredeemable
paper money a sound currency
redeemable dollar for dollar in good and valid bonds, the interest on
would furnish the Treasury most, if not all, the revenues needed for the
expenses of government, economically administered. This would greatly
the burden of Federal taxation. Furthermore, because the holders of present
tax exempt securities would have to seek some other way to earn an income
from their capital, this would contribute in large measure to increased
and business recovery.
We stand for federal supervision of the creation
of motion picture films at the
source of production so that the public effect may be beneficial and uplifting.
We are opposed to the legalization of lotteries,
gambling and all other forms of
exploitation of the people.
We stand for loyalty to the principles of the
Constitution and for the preservation
of our system of government against the assaults of communism and of
fascism, and the subversive influence exerted by the alliance of the old
with predatory wealth, organized crime and the liquor power.
We invite the support of all patriotic Americans
to help build a political party
united in its loyalty to the best interests of the nation.
Adopted by the National Prohibition Convention.
We appeal to the youth of the land
with their idealism and enthusiasm to meet the challenge of the hour,
and join
with us in the solving of the great problems involving the preservation
integrity of American institutions.