Prohibition Party Platform
The platform committee submitted a lengthy platform to the convention.
Protestant fear of the `wet Catholic menace' was so inflamed by the nomination
of Al Smith by the Democratic Party that the Prohibition delegates split
over whether to nominate their own slate or to endorse Republican candidate
Herbert Hoover in an attempt to guarantee the defeat of Smith. The convention
finally adopted the following short platform and resolutions, providing
that their own candidates would withdraw in favor of Hoover if requested
to do so by the party's Executive Committee.
The Prohibition party contemplates with gratitude
and solemn joy the triumphs of
the great cause, of which, in partisan matters it has been the champion
for threescore
years, yet for the common victory would withhold recognition
due the many thousands in times past and the unnumbered millions now,
though not affiliated with our party, who firmly stood and now stand ardently
for national prohibition.
We note in review that among political parties
the Prohibition party is the only
one in the last fifty years whose majority issue has triumphed. For half
a century
it was the lone sponsor of two policies now imbedded in the Constitution,
viz: Prohibition and Woman Suffrage. Both are parts of our basic law
and believed in by an overwhelming majority of the people. Forty-six of
the forty-eight
states have ratified Prohibition. The government is no longer a partner
in the liquor traffic and no more takes tribute from the iniquitous trade
in return for legal protection.
Major Parties
We are glad to believe and declare that nullification
of Federal provisions for
enforcement of prohibition is not a tenet of the Democratic or Republican
but that all nullification is the act of liquor sympathizers whose disregard
of all laws in conflict with their desires is common knowledge confirmed
by heaped up precedents. Nullification was blasted by Andrew Jackson,
Democrat, in his day, and resisted to the death by Abraham Lincoln, the
We deprecate the custom of political parties in their platforms charging
all sins and shortcomings to each other. Oft-repeated folly does not thereby
become wisdom, and falsehood frequently stated does not become the truth.
We appeal to their sense of shame and intellectual pride for reform in
regard. A greater circumspection in putting officials in office will lessen
the necessity of a call to turn the rascals out.
Adopted by the Prohibition National Convention, Chicago, Illinois, July
12, 1928
That the supreme objective of all good citizens of America in this campaign
is to annihilate the beverage liquor traffic and maintain our Constitution
which objective is opposed by the wet Tammany candidate;
That the activities of the Prohibition party in this campaign shall be
by the purpose to promote the above objective;
That we carry on a vigorous and effective campaign in behalf of the principle
of National Prohibition of which our party was the pioneer champion;
That we join with the good citizens of all parties in a union of forces
prevent the threatened calamity of the election of the wet Tammany candidate;
That no separate presidential electors be placed upon the ballot in any
where the nomination of such electors will contribute to the election
of said
That in all states where we are an official party we nominate state
and local
candidates and carry on an aggressive campaign;
That the Nominees of this Convention shall withdraw on request of the
Committee, at any time prior to September first next, and the said Committee
is authorized and empowered to substitute other candidates supporting
objective named above.