The Prohibition Party in National Convention
at Atlantic City, N.J., July 10, 1. The alcoholic drink traffic is wrong; is
the most serious drain on the We favor: 2. Suffrage for women on the same terms as for
men. 3. A uniform marriage and divorce law. The extermination
of polygamy. And the 4. Absolute protection of the rights of labor,
without impairment of the 5. The settlement of all international disputes
by arbitration. 6. The abolition of child labor in mines, workshops
and factories, with the 7. The election of United States Senators by
direct vote of the people. 8. A presidential term of six years, and one
term only. 9. Court reviews of Post Office and other departmental
decisions and orders; 10.
The initiative, referendum, and recall. 11.
As the tariff is a commercial question it should be fixed on the scientific
Equitable graduated income and inheritance taxes. 13.
Conservation of our forest and mineral reserves, and the reclamation of
Clearly defined laws for the regulation and control of corporations 15.
Efficiency and economy in governmental administration. 16.
The protection of one day in seven as a day of rest. To these fundamental principles, the National
Prohibition Party renews its |