Prohibition Party Platform
The Prohibition party, in national convention
assembled, at Indianapolis, June 30,
1904, recognizing that the chief end of all government is the establishment
those principles of righteousness and justice which have been revealed
to men
as the will of the ever-living God, desiring His blessing upon our national
and believing in the perpetuation of the high ideals of government of
the people,
by the people and for the people, established by our fathers, makes the
declaration of principles and purposes:
The widely prevailing system of the licensed
and legalized sale of alcoholic beverages
is so ruinous to individual interests, so inimical to public welfare,
destructive of national wealth and so subversive of the rights of great
of our citizenship, that the destruction of the traffic is, and for years
has been, the most important question in American politics.
We denounce the lack of statesmanship exhibited
by the leaders of the Democratic
and Republican parties in their refusal to recognize the paramount importance
of this question, and the cowardice with which the leaders of these parties
have courted the favor of those whose selfish interests are advanced by
continuation and augmentation of the traffic, until today the influence
of the
liquor traffic practically dominates national, State and local government
the nation.
We declare the truth, demonstrated by the experience
of half a century, that all
methods of dealing with the liquor traffic which recognize its right to
in any form, under any system of license or tax or regulation, have proved
powerless to remove its evils, and useless as checks upon its growth,
the insignificant public revenues which have accrued therefrom have seared
the public conscience against a recognition of its iniquity.
We call public attention to the fact, proved
by the experience of more than fifty
years, that to secure the enactment and enforcement of prohibitory legislation,
in which alone lies the hope of the protection of the people from the
liquor traffic, it is necessary that the legislative, executive and judicial
branches of government should be in the hands of a political party in
with the prohibition principle, and pledged to its embodiment in law,
to the execution of those laws.
We pledge the Prohibition party, wherever given
power by the suffrages of the people,
to the enactment and enforcement of laws prohibiting and abolishing the
importation, transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages.
We declare that there is not only no other issue
of equal importance before the
American people to-day, but that the so-called issues, upon which the
and Republican parties seek to divide the electorate of the country are,
in large part, subterfuges under the cover of which they wrangle for the
of office.
Recognizing that the intelligent voters of the
country may properly ask our attitude
upon other questions of public concern, we declare ourselves in favor
The impartial enforcement of all law.
The safeguarding of the people's rights by a
rigid application of the principles
of justice to all combinations and organizations of capital and labor.
The recognition of the fact that the right of
suffrage should depend upon the mental
and moral qualifications of the citizen .
A more intimate relation between the people
and government, by a wise application
of the principle of the initiative and referendum.
Such changes in our laws as will place tariff
schedules in the hands of an omnipartisan
The application of uniform laws to all our country
and dependencies.
The election of United States Senators by vote
of the people.
The extension and honest administration of the
civil service laws.
The safeguarding of every citizen in every place
under the government of the people
of the United States, in all the rights guaranteed by the laws and the
International arbitration, and we declare that
our nation should contribute, in
every manner consistent with national dignity, to the permanent establishment
of peace between all nations.
The reform of our divorce laws, the final extirpation
of polygamy, and the total
overthrow of the present shameful system of the illegal sanction of the
evil, with its unspeakable traffic in girls, by the municipal authorities
of almost all our cities.