Prohibition Party Platform
The Prohibition Reform Party of the United
States, organized in the name of the
people to revive, enforce and perpetuate in the Government the doctrines
of the
Declaration of Independence, submit in this Centennial year of the Republic
the suffrages of all good citizens the following platform of national
and measures:
1. The legal Prohibition in the District of
Columbia, the Territories and in every
other place subject to the laws of Congress, of the importation, exportation,
manufacture and traffic of all alcoholic beverages, as high crimes against
society; an Amendment of the National Constitution to render these Prohibitory
measures universal and permanent, and the adoption of treaty stipulations
with foreign Powers to prevent the importation and exportation of all
alcoholic beverages.
2. The abolition of class legislation and of
special privileges in the Government,
and the adoption of equal suffrage and eligibility to office without
distinction of race, religious creed, property, or sex.
3. The
appropriation of the public lands in limited quantities to actual settlers
only; the reduction of the rates of inland and ocean postage, of telegraphic
communication, of railroad and water transportation and travel to the
lowest practical point by force of laws, wisely and justly framed, with
not only to the interests of capital employed but to the higher claims
of the general good.
4. The suppression, by law, of lotteries and
gambling in gold, stocks, produce
and every form of money and property, and the penal inhibition of the
of the public mails for advertising schemes of gambling and lotteries.
5. The abolition of those foul enormities,
polygamy and the social evil, and the
protection of purity, peace and happiness of homes by ample and efficient
6. The national observance of the Christian
Sabbath, established by laws prohibiting
ordinary labor and business in all departments of public services and
private employments (works of necessity, charity and religion excepted)
on that
7. The establishment by mandatory provisions
in National and State Constitutions,
and by all necessary legislation, of a system of free public schools
for the universal and forced education of all the youth of the land.
8. The free use of the Bible, not as a ground
of religious creeds, but as a text-book
of purest morality, the best liberty and the noblest literature, in our
public schoools, that our children may grow up in its light and that its
and principles may pervade our nation.
9. The separation of the Government in all
its departments and institutions, including
the public schools and all funds for their maintenance, from the control
of every religious sect or other association, and the protection alike
all sects by equal laws, with entire freedom of religious faith and worship.
10. The introduction into all treaties, hereafter
negotiated with foreign Governments,
of a provision for the amicable settlement of international difficulties
by arbitration.
11. The abolition of all barbarous modes and
instruments of punishment; the recognition
of the laws of God and the claims of humanity in the discipline of jails
and prisons, and of that higher and wiser civilization worthy of our age
nation, which regards the reform of criminals as a means for the prevention
12. The abolition of executive and legislative
patronage, and the election of President,
Vice-President, United States Senators, and of civil officers, so far
as practicable, by the direct vote of the people.
13. The practice of a friendly and liberal
policy to immigrants from all nations,
the guaranty to them of ample protection and of equal rights and privileges.
14. The separation of the money of Government
from all banking institutions.
National Government only should exercise the high prerogative of issuing
paper money,
and that should be subject to prompt redemption on demand, in gold and
silver, the only equal standards of value recognized by the civilized
15. The reduction of the salaries of public
officers in a just ratio with the decline
of wages and market prices, the abolition of sinecures, unnecessary offices,
and official fees and perquisites; the practice of strict economy in Government
expenses, and a free and thorough investigation into any and all alleged
abuse of public trusts.