Bartlett Lewis Paine
Pioneer Physician Died Here Sunday
Dr. Bartlett L. Paine, pioneer Lincoln businessman and physician, passed away at 11:15 a.m. Sunday following a long illness. The end came before he had regained consciousness after a stroke of paralysis last Wednesday. Dr. Paine had, however, been failing health ever since he suffered a stroke of paralysis about a year ago.
Dr. Paine was 69 years of age. He had spent the greater part of his life in Lincoln, coming here in 1878. For more than 30 years, Dr. Paine had followed his practice of medicine in the city before he deserted the profession for business and other activities.
Funeral services have not been definitely arranged on account of the fact that word has not yet been received from relatives in the east, who are expected to attend the services. It was stated Sunday evening, however, that the funeral would not be held before Wednesday afternoon.
Up until about three years ago, Dr. Paine had been very prominent in business affairs in Lincoln. He has been taken away from the city for a greater part of the last three years on account of poor health. Rev. Eli Branch, brother-in-law of Dr. Paine, was with him at the time of his death. Dr. Paine had been confined to his rooms at the Lindell Hotel ever since his late illness.
Counsellor and Advisor
Dr. Bartlett L. Paine was more than the family physician. He was a counsellor and friend. He had an immense practice and was out on calls night and day, but he was never too weary to offer or a word of comfort or say something that brought some cheer to members of the household.
He was a member of St. Paul Methodist church for 40 years and was foremost in its affairs. He was chairman of the finance committee, a trustee, and a member of the official board. He was superintendent of the Sunday school for a long period, and when he retired, he was elected superintendent emeritus. He was deeply interested in the religious welfare of the young people and was president of the Epworth League for many years.
Doctor Paine was a many-sided man. He was a good speaker and for many years was engaged in evangelistic work holding revivals at different places in the state. It was said of him that he was one of the most successful soul-winners ever engaged in the work.
He was one of the organizers of the Young Men’s Christian Association and an active supporter. It was the duty of the Doctor as chairman of the finance committee of St. Paul Church to make the announcements concerning the financial condition of the organization. No one who has ever heard him make these announcements will forget the unique way in which they were made. He could ask for money or make a plea for better support for the Church in such a witty and pleasant manner that nobody could possibly take offense.
Early Life in Ohio
Bartlett L. Paine was born at Rutland, Meigs County, Ohio on November 23, 1851. He was the son of Bartlett Paine and Mary Van Sickle Paine. His father was for many years a merchant in Rutland. Doctor Paine received his medical education at the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati and at Hahnemann Homeopathic College, Philadelphia. His decision to take a second degree in medicine came after he had recovered from a serious illness while visiting the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, in 1876. He was treated so successfully by a homeopathic physician that he determined to become a graduate of that school and attended Hahnemann College.
He practiced at Rutland for a short time and then removed to Portsmouth, Ohio. In 1878, 43 years ago, he came to Lincoln. Soon after he located in the city, he acquired a large practice and for at least 30 years was active in his profession In the Eighties, Dr. Paine was dean of the homeopathic medical department of the University of Nebraska, and many of the alumni recall his lectures at that period.
Could Not Quit Practice
At one time, Doctor Paine formed a partnership with O.C. Link, and they were associated for several years. The doctor found it hard to quit active practice. Several times he took his sign down and determined to quit, but he received so many calls that he found it necessary to get in professional harness again. For some time after he was supposed to have ceased work, he was induced to treat some of his old friends who thought that nobody could do quite so much for them as Doctor Paine.
Doctor Paine was never so happy as when helping worthy students to obtain an education. It will perhaps never be known how many students he has assisted, because he alone knew and he did not make his benefactions public. An old friend coming across the stubs of many checkbooks got something of an insight into the generosity of the Doctor.
Doctor Paine became associated with John E. Miller in business in 1884. Later, the firm was made Miller & Paine. When it was incorporated, Dr. Paine was elected vice-president, a position he held until the time of his death. He has always held a much larger interest than any other stockholder.
Though vice-president of the corporation, he was never an active partner. He was always deeply interested in its growth, standing, and success. He never complained whether the dividends were large or small.
When the Doctor was in active practice, he as medical and financial advisor came into contact with more state university persons than any other person outside of members of the faculty.
Casual About Business
He always seemed rather casual about business affairs, but under that apparent carelessness he knew quite well what he was doing. Most of the ventures of Doctor Paine outside of the corporation that bore his name were not particularly successful.
While apparently not having much time or opportunity for pleasure and pastime, he always had some form of investment. His annual vacation trip to his island among the lakes of northern Wisconsin was one of his greatest enjoyments.
Dr. Paine was elected to the General Conference of the Methodist Church three or four times and attended the meetings. In the 90’s, he ran for governor on the Prohibition ticket and polled the largest number of votes ever cast for a third-party candidate in Nebraska until that time.
The only near relatives of Dr. Paine still living are his brother-in-law, Rev. E.S. Branch of Lincoln, two nephews E.D. Branch of Omaha assistant paymaster of the Burlington Line, and Webb Paine a teacher of Columbus, Ohio, and a sister-in-law Mrs. S.V. Paine also of Columbus. Rev. E.S. Branch husband of D.F. Paine’s only sister, who died 32 years ago, was closely connected with Dr. Paine for more than 60 years.
It is said that this baseball team was named for him.

—Data from Bartlett Lewis Paine (1851-1921) - Find A Grave Memorial