Carolyn E. Geisel, physician, surgeon, educator, philanthropist, is a devoted lover of little children, and sincere servant of her sex. Born in Michigan of German parentage, her father was her first tutor, and to hi she owes the love of science as well as the large humanitarianism which led her into the study and practice of medicine.
Dr. Geisel is a regular physician, a graduate of the medical department of the University of Michigan, and, in addition to a liberal academic education, has received two other medical diplomas and has pursued advanced medical studies in the schools and laboratories of Europe.
In 1895, in the very first years of a successful practice, her health failed, and she was taken to the Battle Creek Sanitarium ‘to die.’ Her recovery was no less than a miracle, and, in gratitude for her life she gave herself with redoubled zeal to the service of humanity.
In 1895 she accepted a place on the staff of the Battle Creek Sanitarium – which had given her back her life – and has continued with that institution through 20 years, going out from there to ‘service for souls.’
From 1897 to 1900 she devoted herself to rescue work in the slums of one of the world’s largest cities.
She began her lecture work in 1900, and for 15 years has given herself – literally body and soul – to the task of showing people how to live healthier and happier lives.
In 1912 she again added to the scope of her work by establishing in a Southern college for women a chair of health, to which she was called by the college.
She is in some respects the most remarkable woman on the American platform. She came to the Squadron to ‘voice the woman’s appeal, and the babies’ cry of protest.’”
— Speeches of the Flying Squadron