Year 2000 Prohibition History Award given to Sarah F. Ward

Sarah F. Ward of Knightstown, Indiana is the recipient of the Year 2000 Citation of Merit given by the Partisan Prohibition Historical Society. Miss Ward is President of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The Citation of Merit was given specifically for her book, "The White Ribbon Story," which details the history of the first 125 years of the WCTU in America.

Miss Ward's book is available from: Signal Press, 1730 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60201. The cost is $11.95 (cloth), or $7.95 (paper). Each 25 years, the National WCTU updates and
re-issues its organizational history. Recognition of Miss Ward's work by the Partisan Prohibition Historical Society follows its earlier recognition of the centennial history of the WCTU, "Heritage of Dedication," written by Agnes Dubbs Hayes in 1973.

Miss Ward is a music educator (BA, Lincoln Christian College, 1959 and MME, Indiana University, 1961) and a psychotherapist (MS, George Williams College, 1981). She has been President of the National WCTU since 1996. She has served, also, as President of the Indiana state WCTU since 1992. She was national executive director of WCTU youth organizations (the Youth Temperance Council) 1964-1969, and was executive director of the Indiana YTC 1979-1991.

She was an elected board member of the Charles A. Beard School District (Knightstown, Indiana) 1982-1990. She taught elementary/junior high music in the Wheeling (Illinois) and Cedar Lake (Indiana) scbools 1970-78 and 1961-64.

The Partisan Prohibition Historical Society was founded in 1971, re-organized and
re-incorporated in 1997. It has given the Citation of Merit annually since 1971. The PPHS publishes an occasional newsletter, Prohibition History Notes, and it sponsors the website Lifetime membership is granted upon payment of a $20 enrolment fee.

For additional information about the Partisan Prohibition Historical Society, write: Box 212, Needmore, Pennsylvania 17238 or visit our website.
