Photo of the Class of 1903 courtesy of Asbury College
Andrew Nathan Johnson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of Jackson County, Kentucky was born in 1876. When Andrew was a young man, his parents moved to Wilmore, Kentucky, and he was educated in Asbury College, graduating in the Class of 1903. Later, he received his DD from Northern University in Ohio and then his PhD from Milton University in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Johnson was one of the very brilliant graduates of Asbury. He was blessed with a marvelous memory and could quote extensively historical facts, poetical gems, and physiological facts to great profit in his marvelous ministry.
He was licensed to preach over 60 years ago and during his long ministry held over 1000 revivals, preaching in nearly every state in The United States. He was admitted on trial in the Kentucky Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South in 1921. He preached in brush harbors, school houses, missions, small churches, tent and camp meetings, and in large churches with great ease and effectiveness under all circumstances.
He was a real defender of the faith once for all delivered to the saints. He often spoke against Modernism and Evolution, debating if called upon to defend the faith of our fathers, and the people heard him gladly with profit. He was an uncompromising enemy of the liquor traffic, and when he spoke against this sin the saints rejoiced and the sinners trembled.
Dr. Johnson not only believed in regeneration but also in entire sanctification as taught by Mr. Wesley and the fathers of Methodism. While Dr. Johnson could grace any pulpit, he gave much of his time to the smaller churches, preaching a gospel that could save any and all sinners here and now by faith in the Christ of the Bible. He was a great street preacher. At the Annual Conference, he often held street meetings in which the saints were blessed and sinners made to tremble.
Dr. Johnson was married to Miss Augusta Balch of Lynn, Massachusetts, and to them was born a son and a daughter, Andrew and Marion. These with thousands of friends will mourn his passing; but hope to meet him in Glory after while.
After some months of sickness, Dr. Johnson went to Heaven from the Good Samaritan Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky on August 30th, 1959, and on the next day I [W.L. Clark] conducted his funeral from the Methodist Church in Wilmore, Kentucky, assisted by the pastor, Dr. Anderson and the President of Asbury College, Dr. Z.T. Johnson. Peace to his ashes, and the blessing of God on his family. Goodbye, Andrew, we will meet you in the morning over there.
Obituary reprinted from p.245 of the 1960 Journal of the Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church.