Campaign MaterialsA summary of data on all Prohibition Party candidates for Congress is available in the reference work "U.S. Congressional Elections 1788-1997." The author is Michael Dubin. Copies cost $235 plus shipping and can be ordered from McFarland & C., Box 611, Jefferson, North Carolina 28640. Several other sources exist, but none are comprehensive. For a book review, see An internet site for election data is: Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections, Election returns from 1954 to the present are published by Congressional Quarterly in their biennial report, America Votes. Volume 23, covering the 1998 election, has just been published. Election returns found in volumes of America Votes are more accurate than the official returns, since errors creep into the official returns, and the staff double checks official returns for addition errors. The book includes votes and percentages of the vote for all counties of the US, maps, and many interesting and useful summary charts. Volume 23 costs $147 and can be ordered from Congressional Quarterly (Phone 800-638-1710). For back issues, consult a university or large public library. For the internet-minded, we suggest this book: Winning Campaigns Online, by Emilienne Ireland and Phil Tajitsu Nash (second ed, 2001). Order from Science Writers Press, 4701 Sangamore Road, #220N, Bethesda, Maryland 20816. Call 301-263-9302 for the price. |
A comprehensive handbook
on campaigning for office is William S. Bike's "Winning Political
Campaigns," published by the Denali Press in 1998.
"Do right and take the consequences" - Sam Houston, Texas Patriot |