Students beware! This bibliography is just what it claims to be: random. It is not ballanced, the cited materials are not of uniform reliability, and the authors are not all equally impartial. Many advocacy pieces are deliberately included, to reflect the social ambience of the Prohibition Era, in addition to the scholarly pieces. Part of your responsibility is to evaluate the material on the bases of the authors’ reputations and the publishers’ reputations, in addition to judging the internal consistency and reliability of each work.
When compiling your own bibliographies, be sure to cite some references not included in the following list (if your teacher decides that you just copied this list, you’ll get an “F” for effort).
Library Resources:
- Social History of Alcohol Research (older volumes) Social History of Alcohol & Drugs (newer volumes), Journal of the Alcohol & Temperance History Group.
- Pocket World in Figures (annual), includes data on alcohol and tobacco by country.
- The Livsey Collection at the University of Lancashire, Preston, England
- "Griffith House Library," at the AA's Wilson House museum in East Dorset, Vermont
- The Journal of the American Temperance Union (1837 - 1865) is available on microfilm
- The "Seagrams Papers" at the Hagley Museum & Archives in Wilmington
- Andersen, L.M.F. (2013) -- The Politics of Prohibition: NYC, Cambridge University Press, 317pp.
- Anon (1998) -- Beber de Tierra Generosa: Ciudad Mexico, Fundacion de Investigaciones Sociales, 2 vo.
- Anon () -- Wine: Encyclopedia Judaica 16:539, col. 1.
Anon (1891) -- Encyclopedia of Temperance and Prohibition: NYC, Funk & Wagnalls,
- Akyeampong, Emmanuel (1996) -- Drink, Power, & Cultural Change: A Social History of Alcohol in Ghana: Heinemann
- Arthur, T.S. (1877) -- strong Drink; The Curse and the Cure: Philadelphia, Hubbard brothers, ....pp
- Asbury, Herbert (1929) -- Carry Nation: NYC, Knopf
- Austin, G.A. (1985) -- Alcohol in Western Society from Antiquity to 1800: A Chronological History: Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO
- Babor, Thomas (2003) -- Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity -- Research and Public Policy: The Globe (Global Alcohol Policy Alliance), #3
- Bader, Robert (1986) -- Prohibition in Kansas: Lawrence, University Press of Kansas.
- Barrows, Susanna and Robin Room (eds.) (1991) -- Drinking Behavior and Belief in Modern History: Berkeley, U Calif. Press
- Berridge, Virginia (2004) -- Why Alcohol is Legal and Other Drugs are Not: History Today 54(5):18-20.
Blocker, Jack (1976) -- Retreat from Reform: The Prohibition Movement in the United States, 1890-1913: Westport (Connecticut), Greenwood
----- (ed) (1979) -- Alcohol Reform and Society: The Liquor Issue in Social Context: Westport (Connecticut), Greenwood.
----- (1985) -- "Give to the Winds Thy Fears": The Women's Temperance Crusade, 1873-1874: Westport (Conn.), Greenwood
----- (1989) -- American Temperance Movements: Cycles of Reform: Boston, Twayne
----- (1994) -- Consumption and Availability of Alcoholic Beverages in the United States, 1863--1920: Contemp. Drug Prob. 21:631-666.
----- (2006) -- Did Prohibition Really Work? Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation: Am. Jour. Public Health 96:233-243.
-----; D.M. Fahey; and I.R. Tyrrell (eds.) (2003) -- Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: Santa Barbara, Internat. Encycl., 2 vo.
Bordin, Ruth (1981) -- Woman and Temperance: Philadelphia, Temple Univ. Press
----- (1986) -- Frances Willard: A Biography: Chapel Hill, Univ. North Carolina Press
- Bosley, G.C. (1986) -- The Effects of Small Quantities of Alcohol: Ministry, Internat. J. for Clergy 59(5):24-27.
- Brennan, Thomas (1988) -- Public Drinking and Popular Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris: Princeton, Princeton U Press
Bubar, Benjamin C., Sr. (1996, posthumous) -- The Devil Let Loose in Maine: Delmar (New York), Noble Press, 160pp.
- Burnham, John (1968) -- New Perspectives on the Prohibition "Experiment" of the 1920s: Jour. Social History 2:51-68
- Burns, Eric () -- The Spirits of America: Philadephia, Temple Univ. Press
- Cala, L.A., et al. (1983) -- Results of Computerized Tomography, Psychometric Testing and Dietary Studies in Social Drinkers with Emphasis on Reversability after Abstinence: Medical J. Austr. 2(6):264-269.
----- (1985) -- C.T. Demonstration of the Early Effects of Alcohol on the brain, v. 3, pp. 253-264 in: M. Plenum (Ed.) -- Recent Developments in Alcoholism: NYC, Plenum,
- Campbell, B.C. (1977) -- Did Democracy Work? Prohibition in Late Nineteenth-Century Iowa: A Test Case: Jour. Interdisciplinary Hist. 8:87-116
- Canup, C.E. (1920) -- Temperance Movements and Legislation in indiana: Ind. Mag. Hist. 16:3-37
----- (1920) -- The Temperance Movement in Indiana: Ind. Mag. Hist. 16:112-151
- Cherrington, E.H. (Ed.) (1924-1930) -- The Standard Encyclopedia of the Alcohol Problem: Westerville (Ohio), Anti-Saloon League
- Christopher, James () -- How to Stay Sober: Buffalo, Prometheus, 191pp
----- () -- Unhooked: Buffalo, Prometheus, 184pp
- Christmon, Kenneth (1995) -- Historical Overviews of Alcohol in the
African-American Community: Jour. Black Stud. 25:318-330
- Ciment, James (in litt) -- Encylopedia of the Jazz Age: 1918-1929
----- (1987) -- Marketing Booze to Blacks: Washington, Center for Science in the Public Interest
- Clark, Norman H. (1976) -- Deliver Us from Evil: An Interpretation of American Prohibition: NYC, Norton
-----, Paul Aaron, and David Musto (1981) -- Temperance and Prohibition in America: A historical Overview, IN: Mark H. Moore and Dean Gernstein (eds.) -- Alcohol and Public Policy: Beyond the Shadow of Prohibition: Washington, National Academy Press
----- (1965, 2nd ed. 1988) -- Prohibition and Social Change in Washington:
----- (ed.) (1984) -- Dictionary of American Temperance Biography: Westport (Connecticut), Greenwood
- Clark, Peter (1983) -- The English Alehouse: A Social History, 1200-1830: London, Longman
- Colvin, D.L. (1926) -- Prohibition in The United States: A History of the Party and of the Prohibition Movement: NYC, Doran, pp.
- Colvin, D. Leigh (1926) -- Prohibition in the United States: NYC, Columbia Univ. Press,
- Crooker, J.H. (1912) -- The Psychology of Drink: Am. Jour. Sociology 18:21-32.
- Courtwright, D.T () -- Forces of Habit: Drugs and the Making of the Modern World
- Cresswell, Stephen (1991) -- Mormons, Cowboys, Moonshiners, and Klansmen: Federal Law Enforcement in the South and West, 1870-1893: Tuscaloosa, Univ. Alabama Press
- Crowley, J.W. and W.L. White (2004) – Drunkard’s Refuge: The Lessons of the New York State Inebriate Asylum: Amherst, Univ. Massachusetts Press, 127pp.
----- (2003) -- Enslaving Spirits: The Portuguese-brazilian Alcohol trade at Luanda and Its Hinterland, ca. 1550-1830: Leiden, brill
- Curto, Jose (2002) -- Alcool e Escravos: Lisbon, Editora Vulgta, 402pp.
- Dannebaum, Jed (1978) -- Immigrants and Temperance: Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincinnati, 1845-1860: Ohio History 87:125-139
----- (1984) -- Drink and Disorder: Temperance Reform in Cincinnati from the Washington Revival to the WCTU: Urbana, Univ. Illinois Press
- Dillon, Patrick () -- Gin: Justin, Charles & Co.
- Dobyns, Fletcher (1940) -- The Amazing Story of Repeal: Chicago, Willett, Clark & Co., pp.
- Downard, W.L. (1980) -- Dictionary of the History of the American brewing and Distilling Industries: Westport (Conn.), Greenwood, __pp.
- Ellis, W.E. (1994) -- Patrick Henry Callahan: A Maverick Catholic and the Prohibition Issue: Reg. Kent. Hist. Soc. 92:175-199
- Engdahl, S. (Ed.) (2009) -- Amendments XVIII and XXII: Prohibition and Repeal: Farmington Hills (Michigan), Greenhaven
Epstein, Barbara L. (1981/1986) -- The Politics of Domesticity: Women, Evangelism, and Temperance in Nineteenth Century America: Middletown (Connecticut), Wesleyan Univ. Press
Ewing, Charles Wesley (1985) -- The Bible and its Wines: Denver, National Prohibition Foundation, 165pp.
- Ewing, John and Beatrice Rouse (eds) (1978) -- Drinking: Alcohol in American Society -- Issues and Current Research: Chicago, Nelson-Hall
- Fahey, D.M. and Bill White () – Drunkard’s Refuge:
- Fincham, F. and J. Barling (1979) -- Effects of Alcohol on Moral Functioning in Male Social Drinkers: J. Genetic Psych. 134:79-88.
- Fisher, Irving (1926) -- Prohibition at its Worst: NYC, Macmillan, pp.
----- (1930) -- The Noble Experiment: NYC, Alcohol Information Committee, pp.
- Flexner, Eleanor () -- Century of Struggle:
- Frick, J.W. (2003) -- Theatre, Culture, and Temperance Reform in Nineteenth-Century America: Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 256pp
- Gentry, K.I. () -- The Christian and Alcoholic Beverages:
- Giles, GJ (1984) -- Student Drinking in the Third Reich Academic tradition and the Nazi Revolution: Berkeley (Calif.), Conf. on the Social History of Alcohol, 21pp.
- Ginzburg, Louis () -- Wine and the Liquor trade: Encyclopedia Judaica 16:546, col. 2
- Gonzalez, GM (1990) -- Effects of Raising the Drinking Age and Related Campus Initiatives on Student Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol-Related Problems: Jour. College Student Development 31(2):181-183
- Gordon, Ernest () -- Christ, the Apostles and Wine:
- Gordon, E.B. (1930) -- brewers and "Billionaires" Conspire Against the Working Classes: The Secret of the Present Propaganda Against the Eighteenth AmendmentL NYC, Alcohol Information Committee, pp.
- Grandin, Greg () -- Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford's Forgotten Jungle City:
- Greenaway, J.R. (2003) Drink and british Politics Since 1830, A Study in Policy
Making: Palgrave, 288pp.
- Guy, K.M. (2003) – When Champagne became French: Wine and the Making of a
National Identity:Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 245pp.
----- (1943) -- The Wrecking of the Eighteenth Amendment: Francestown (NH), Alcohol Information Press, pp.
----- (1995) -- Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Temperance Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880-1920: Chapel Hill, Univ. North Carolina Press
----- (1996) -- Editorial Comment: Social Reform and Violence: The Case of the American Prohibitionists: Jour. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics: 21:131-133. nb -- a longer manuscript version is available from the author; the editor can also supply a copy.
Hampel, Robert L. (1982) -- Temperance and Prohibition in Massachusetts, 1813-1852: Ann Arbor, UMI Research Press.
Hedges, James (2005) -- Dry Oasis: The Prohibition Party: The Keynoter, Spring, pp. 26-28, 30-32.
----- (2020) -- A Faithful Remnant: Supplement to Roger Storms' Partisan Prophets, 1976-2016, with an index to both volumes: Prohibition National Committee, pp. 73-136
- Henisch, B.A. (1976) -- Fast and Feast: Food in Medieval Society: University Park, The Penn. State U Press
- Herlihy, Patricia (2002) --- The Alcoholic Empire: Vodka & Politics in late Imperial Russia: NYC, Oxford, _pp.
- Heron, Craig (2003) -- Booze: A Distilled History: Toronto, Between-the-Lines-Press, 500pp.
- Hirschfelder, Gunther (2003) -- Alkoholkonsumam Beginn des Industriezeitalters (1700-1815): Vergleichende Studien zum gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Wandel, Bd. 1: Die Region Manchester: Wien, Bohlau Verlag, 384pp
- Hofstader, Richard (1954) -- The American Political Tradition: NYC, Vintage Books.
----- (1955) -- Age of Reform: NYC, Vintage Books
- Hohner, Robert A. (1969) -- The Prohibitionists: Who Were They?: South Atlantic Quarterly 68:491-505
- Holmes, William F. (1969) -- Whitecapping: Agrarian Violence in Mississippi, 1902-1906: Jour. Southern History 35:165-185
----- (1980) -- Moonshining and Collective Violence: Georgia 1889-1895: Jour. Am. History 67:589-611
- Horowitz, H.L. (1987) -- Campus Life: Univ. Chicago Press
- Hoverson, Doug (2007) -- Land of Amber Waters: The History of brewing in Minnesota: Minneaapolis, Univ. Minnesota, 360pp.
- Howard, G.E. (1918) -- Alcohol and Crime: A Study imn Social Causation: Am. Jour. Sociology 24:61-80
- Hu Tun Yuan (1950) -- The Liquor Tax in the United States, 1791-1947: New York, Columbia University Press
- Hunt, C.W. () -- Booze, Boats and Billions: Billa Flint Publications
- Isaac, Paul (1965) -- Prohibition and Politics: Turbulent Decades in Tennessee, 1885-1920: Knoxville, Univ. Tennessee Press
- Jewett, E.H. (1888) -- The Two Wine Theory: NYC.
- Jurkiewicz, C. and M. Painter (2008) -- Social and Economic Control of Alcohol: the 21st Amendment in the 21st Century: Boca Raton, CRC
- Karch, S.B. (1997) -- A brief History of Cocaine: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 202pp
- Kerr, K. Austin (1985) -- Organized for Prohibition: A New History of the Anti-Saloon League: New Haven, Yale Univ. Press
- Kirkby, Diane (1997) Barmaids: A History of Women’s Work in Pubs: Cambridge,
Cambridge Univ. Press, 244pp.
- Kitze, J.L. (1986) – Enter Every Open Door: The british Women’s Temperance
Association 1876-1900: Oxford (England), trinity College Dissertation, _pp.
The College library does not have a copy of this alleged dissertation, and the College has no record of such a student. It may be fraudulent.
- Knott, TH (2002) -- A Moulder of Men: Peter Turner Winskill:
- Kobler, John (1993) -- Ardent Spirits: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition
- Landesco, J (1932) -- College Seniors and the Liquor Problem: Am. Acad. Political & Social Sci., Ann. 163:130-146
- Lantzer, J.S. (2005) -- Prohibition is Here to Stay: The Reverend Edward S. Shumaker and the Rise and Fall of Dry Culture in America: Indianapolis, University of Indiana Dissertation, 327pp.
- Lee, A. McC. (1944) -- Techniques of Social Reform: An Analysis of the New Prohibition Drive: Am. Sociological Rev. 9:65-77
- Leinwand, George (2008) -- William Jennings Bryan: An Uncertain trumpet: Rowman & Littlefield
- Lender, Mark and J.K. Martin () -- Drinking in Ameri
----- (ed.) (1984) -- Dictionary of American Temperance Biography: Westport
Connecticut), Greenwood
- Lewis, Michael and Richard F. Hamm (eds.) (2020) -- Prohibition's Greatest Myths: The Distilled Truth about America's Anti-Alcohol Crusade: Baton Rouge, La. State. Univ. Press
- Lucas, E. (1998) -- The Eighteenth and Twenty-First Amendments: Alcohol, Prohibition, and Repeal: Springfield (New Jersey), Enslow
- Lyon, V.T. (1999) -- The Repeal of Prohibition: The end of Oklahoma's Noble Experiment: Chronicle Okla. 76(4):416-435
- Maddox, George (Ed.) (1970) -- The Domesticated Drug: Drinking among Collegians: New Haven, College & Univ. Press
- Manion, Clarence (1927) -- What Price Prohibition?: Notre Dame Lawyer 2:73-94
- Mcbride, G.G. (1993) -- On Wisconsin Women: Working for their Rights from Settlement to Suffrage: Madison, Univ. Wisc. Press, __pp.
- McCullough, D.J. (1988) -- Bone Dry?: Prohibition New Mexico Style, 11918-1933: N. Mex. Hist. Rev. 63:25-42
- McGuire, M.R.P. and T.D. Terry () -- Wine: New Catholic Encyclopedia 14:959, col. 1.
- Meagher, T.J. (2001) -- Inventing Irish America: Generation, Class and Ethnic Identity in a New England City, 1880-1928: South Bend, U Notre Dame Press
- Miller, Wilbur R. (1991) -- Revenuers and Moonshiners: Enforcing Federal Liquor Law in the Mountain South, 1865-1900: Chapel Hill, Univ. North Carolina Press
- Mittelman, A.H. (1986) -- The Politics of Alcohol Production: The Liquor Industry and the Federal Government, 1862-1900: PhD dissertation, Columbia Univ., __pp.
----- (1992) -- Who Will Pay the Tax: Social History of Alcohol Review, spring issue
----- (in press) -- Brewing Battles: The United States Beer Industry from the Colonial Period to the 21st Century: Algora Publishing
- Monroe, James () -- Hellfire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History: Yale Univ. Press, 575pp.
- Murphy, Mary (1994) -- Bootlegging Mothers and Drinking Daughters: Gender and Prohibition in Butte, Montana: Am. Quart. 46:174-194
- Musto, David; et al. () -- Drugs in America: A Documentary History:
- Nation, Carrie A. (1909) -- The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation: Topeka (Kansas), F.M. Stevens & Sons
- Nelson, Max (2004) – The Barbarian’s Beverage: A History of Beer in Ancient
Europe: NYC, Routledge, _pp
- Parsons, E.F. (2003) -- Manhood Lost: Fallen Drunkards and Redeeming Women in the Nineteenth-Century United States: Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 241pp.
- Peterson, Vince () -- A Nation Under the Influence: America's Addiction to Alcohol:
- Phillips, G.C. (2000) -- On Tap: The Odyssey of Beer and Brewing in Victorian London-Middlesex
----- (2000) A Short History of Wine: NYC, Ecco, _pp.
- Pickering, Jack (1986) -- : Ministry, Internat. J. for Clergy 59(5):24-27.
- Porter, Roy and Mikulas Teich(eds) (1995) -- Drugs and Narcotics in History: Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press
- Pulliam, W.T. (1978) — Harriman, the Town that Temperance Built: 706pp, Harriman, privately printed.
- Quinn, J. F. (2002) -- Father Matthew's Crusade: Amherst, Univ. Mass. Press, 262pp
- Reynolds, S.M. (undated, ca. 1985) -- The Biblical Approach to Alcohol: Minneapolis, International Organization of Good Templars, 207pp.
- Ritche, William (1866) -- Scripture Testimony Against Intoxicating Wine: NYC.
- Rorabaugh, W.J. (1976) -- Estimated U.S. Alcoholic Beverage Consumption, 1790-1860: Jour. Studies Alcohol 37:357-363.
- Rotskoff, Lori (2002) -- Love on the Rocks: Chapel Hill, Univ. North Carolina Press, 307pp.
- Salinger, S.V. (2002) -- Taverns and Drinking in Early America: Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press
- Samarasinghe, Diyanath () -- Strategies to Address Alcohol Problems
- Sneath, A.W. (2001) -- brewed in Canada: Toronto, Dundern Press
- Standage, Tom (2005) -- A History of the World in Six Glasses: Walker, 311pp.
- Stewart, (1893) -- The Crusader in Great britain: Springfield (Ohio), New Era
- Storms, Roger C. (1972) -- Partisan Prophets: Denver, Prohibition National Committee, 71pp
- Straus, R. and S. Bacon (1971) -- Drinking in College: Westport, Greenwood Press, 221pp.
- Sturgess, E.C. (1978) -- International Order of Good Templars Records, 1845-1978 (archive), Cornel University Library Rare and Manuscript Collections #2573.
- Szymanski, A.-M. E. (2003) -- Pathways to Prohibition: Durham, Duke Univ. Press, 325pp
- Timberlake, James (1963) -- Prohibition and the Progressive Movement: Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press
- Townend, P.A. (2002) -- Father Matthew, Temperance and Irish Identity: Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 327pp
- Tracy, S.W. (2005) – Alcoholism in America: From Reconstruction to Prohibition: Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, _pp.
- Tracy, S.W. and C.J. Acker (eds.) (2004) – Altering American Consciousness: The
History of Alcohol and Drug Use in the United States, 1800-2000: Amherst, Univ.
Mass. Press, 414pp
- Tyrrell, I..R. (`1979) -- Sobering Up: From Temperance to Prohibition in Antebellum America, 1800-1860: Westport (Conn.), Greenwood Press
----- (19__) -- Woman's World Woman's Empire: The Woman's Christian Temperance Union in International Perspective, 1880-1930: Chapel Hill, Univ. North Carolina Press.
- Unger, R.W. (2004) – Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Philadelphia, Univ. Pennsylvania Press, 319pp.
- Unwin, Tim (1991) -- Wine and the Vine: An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine trade: London, Routledge
- Warner, N.O. (1997) – Spirits of America: Intoxication in Nineteenth-Century
American Literature: Norman, Univ. Oklahoma Press, 290pp.
- Waterstreet, DE (2003) -- Post-Prohibition United States Beer Statistics, 1934-2000: Milwaukee, Badger Infosearch, 634 pp.
- Wechsler, H. (ed.) (1980) -- Minimun-Drinking-Age Laws: Lexington, DC Heath, (multi-volume work)
- Wechsler, Henry and Mary McFadden (1979) -- Drinking among College Students in New England: Jour. Stud. Alcohol 40(11):
- White, Stephen (1996) – Russia Goes Dry: Alcohol, State and Society: Cambridge,
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- Wilson, Clarence T., Deets Pickett, and Marry G. McCain (eds) (1916) -- The Pocket Cyclopedia of Temperance: Topeka, Temperance Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church (revised edition)
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